
Aesculaap was founded in 1926. We have been a wholesaler of veterinary medicines for years and we offer you an extensive range of products for the veterinary market. You can count on excellent service, a wide range, fast delivery and competitive prices. And we will continue that for the next years.


Aesculaap is a Dutch company that has been built up from the start, in 1926, by veterinarians and other specialists. They have supervised the quality and service of Aesculaap from the start. Over the years, Aesculaap has been in different hands. For example, Aesculaap was a division of Wessanen-Zaandam and part of the human wholesaler Medicopharma. In 1991, Aesculaap comes into the hands of the Koen Visser group (Kovico Invest), which takes over a number of veterinary companies, including Aacofarma, Vetin, Verdipharm-duVal d'hony, Vetimex (Eurovet) and Veticofarma. In 1996 Jan-Willem Masman takes over Aesculaap and in 2007 Nanno Mulder becomes co-owner/director of Aesculaap. In 2023, Aesculaap became part of Pet Service Holding NV.

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